Roger E. Backhouse: Publications, excluding short book reviews
Publications are listed in reverse date order, grouped by the year of publication. To jump to specific years, click on 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1990, 1985 or 1980.
‘The dog called investment’ (with Bradley W. Bateman), in T. Hirai, C. Marcuzzo and P. Mehrling (eds) Keynesian Reflections. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-809211-7
‘Rationalizing incomes policy in Britain, 1948-1979’ (with James Forder), History of Economic Thought and Policy.
‘Responding to economic crisis: macroeconomic revolutions in the 1930s and 1970s’, in M. Benner (ed.) Before and Beyond the Global Economic Crisis: Economics, Politics and Settlement. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
‘Economic thought and ideology, 1870-2010’ (with Keith Tribe), in R. Floud, J. Humphries and P. Johnson (eds) The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Volume II: 1870-2010. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
‘Economic thought and ideology, 1700-1870’ (with Keith Tribe), in R. Floud, J. Humphries and P. Johnson (eds) The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Volume I: 1700-1870. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
‘Hayek and Keynes’, in R. Garrison (ed.) The Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Transforming Modern Macroeconomics: The Search for Disequilibrium Microfoundations, 1956-2003 (with Mauro Boianovsky). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781107023192.
‘Political economy: history with the politics left out?’, Historical Materialism 20(3): 24-38. ISSN 1465-4466 (print), 1569-206X (online) DOI: 10.1163/1569206X-12341252.
‘Mark Blaug, 1927-2011’, History of Political Economy 44(4): 567-582. ISSN 0018-2702 (print), 1527-1919 (online).
‘Economics is a serious and difficult subject’, Journal of Economic Methodology 19(3):201-11. ISSN 1350-178X (print)/1469-9427 (online).
‘The rise and fall of Popper and Lakatos in economics’, in U. Mäki (ed.) Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Volume 13: Economics, Elsevier.
‘James Meade’s liberalism’, History of Economic Thought and Policy 1(1), pp. 61-74. ISSN 2240-9971.
‘Keynes and the welfare state’ (with Bradley W. Bateman), History of Economic Thought and Policy 1(1), pp. 7-19. ISSN 2240-9971.
‘The rise and fall of Popper and Lakatos in economics’, in U. Mäki (ed.) Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Volume 13: Economics, Elsevier.
‘“The right kind of an economist”: Friedman’s view of Keynes’ (with Bradley W. Bateman), in T. Cate (ed) Keynes’s General Theory: Seventy Five Years Later. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
‘Methodological issues in Keynesian macroeconomics’ (with Bradley W. Bateman), in J. B. Davis and D. W. Hands (eds) The Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology. Cheltenham” Edward Elgar.
‘Economists and the analysis of government failure: fallacies in the Chicago and Virginia interpretations of Cambridge welfare economics’ (with Steven G. Medema), Cambridge Journal of Economics 36(4): 981-994. ISSN: 0309-166X (print), 1464-3545 (online). DOI: 10.1093/cje/ber047.
‘Keynes knew bond markets had to be reassured’, Financial Times (letter to editor), January 12, 2012, p. 14..
‘Austerity or growth’, (with Bradley W. Bateman), Pittsburg Post and Gazette, December 31, 2011 [check]
‘The case for moral capitalism’ (with Bradley W. Bateman), The Guardian, December 26, 2011.
‘Wanted: worldly philosophers’, New York Times November 6, 2011. Also in International Herald Tribune.
Keynes: Capitalist Revolutionary (with Bradley W. Bateman). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. ISBN: .
‘Keynes after the crisis’, Renewal 19(3-4):43-9.
‘Analysing what cannot be modelled: a defence of Marshallian equilibrium analysis’, in S. Cook, T. Nishizawa and T. Raffaelli (eds) Marshall, Marshallians and Industrial Economics. London: Routledge.
‘The reception of Marshall in the United States’ (with Bradley W. Bateman and Steven G. Medema), in The Diffusion of Alfred Marshall’s Thought, in T. Raffaelli, M. Dardi, G. Beccatini and K. Caldari (eds). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
The Puzzle of Modern Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2010).
The Unsocial Social Science? Economics and Neighboring Disciplines since 1945 (edited jointly with Philippe Fontaine). Annual Supplement to History of Political Economy. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
‘Introduction: history of economics as history of social science’, History of Political Economy 42 (Supplement):1-21. [DOI 10.1215/00182702-2009-070]
‘Conclusions: the identity of economics—image and reality’, History of Political Economy 42 (Supplement):343-51. [DOI 10.1215/00182702-2009-082]
The History of the Social Sciences since 1945 (edited jointly with Philippe Fontaine), for Cambridge University Press (2010).
‘Introduction’ (with P. Fontaine), in R. E. Backhouse and P. Fontaine (eds) The History of the Social Sciences since 1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
‘Towards a history of the social sciences’ (with P. Fontaine), in R. E. Backhouse and P. Fontaine (eds) The History of the Social Sciences since 1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
‘Economics’, in R. E. Backhouse and P. Fontaine (eds) The History of the Social Sciences since 1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
‘Circular flow diagram’ (with Y. Giraud), in P. Lloyd and M. Blaug (eds) Famous Diagrams in Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
‘The peculiarities of place: the Irish historical economists’, in T. Boylan, R. Prendergast and J. Turner (eds) Ireland and Political Economy: Towards a History of Irish Economic Thought. London: Routledge.
‘Whose Keynes?’ (with Bradley W. Bateman) in R. W. Dimand, R. Mundell and A. Vercelli (eds) Keynes’s General Theory: A Reconsideration after Seventy Years. London: Palgrave for the International Economic Association.
No Wealth But Life: Welfare Economics and the Welfare State in Britain, 1880-1945 (edited jointly with Tamotsu Nishizawa), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-19786.
‘Towards a reinterpretation of welfare economics’ (with Tamotsu Nishizawa) in R. E. Backhouse and T. Nishizawa (eds.) No Wealth But Life: Welfare Economics and the Welfare State in Britain, 1880-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–21.
‘J. A. Hobson as a welfare economist’, in R. E. Backhouse and T. Nishizawa (eds.) No Wealth But Life: Welfare Economics and the Welfare State in Britain, 1880-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 114–135.
‘Welfare economics: old and new’, in R. E. Backhouse and T. Nishizawa (eds.) No Wealth But Life: Welfare Economics and the Welfare State in Britain, 1880-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 223–235.
‘Methodology in action’, Journal of Economic Methodology 17(1):3-15. ISSN 1350-178X print/ISSN 1469-9427 online. DOI: 10.1080/13501780903528929
‘An abstruse and mathematical argument: the use of mathematical reasoning in the General Theory’, in B. W. Bateman, C. Marcuzzo and T. Hirai (eds) The Return of Keynes: Keynes and Keynesian Policies in the New Millennium. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 133-147. ISBN 978-0-674-03538-6.
‘Economists and the rise of neo-liberalism’, Renewal 17(4), pp. 17-25. ISSN 0968-252X.
‘Keynes and Capitalism’ (with B. W. Bateman), History of Political Economy 41(4), pp. 645-71. DOI: 10.1215/00182702-2009-036.
‘Robbins and the axiomatization of economics’, (with Steven G. Medema), Journal of the History of Economic Thought 31(4), pp. 57-67.
‘Robbins and welfare economics: a reappraisal’, Journal of the History of Economic Thought 31(4), pp. 68-82.
‘An unfinished manuscript by Terence Hutchison’, Journal of Economic Methodology 16(3), pp. 293-6. DOI:10.1080/13501780903129264. ISSN 1350-178X(print)/1469-9427(online)
‘Robbins on Economic Generalizations and Reality in the Light of Modern Econometrics’ (with Steven N. Durlauf), Economica 76, pp. 873-90. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-0335.2009.00805.x
‘Defining economics: the long road to acceptance of the Robbins definition’ (with Steven G. Medema), Economica 76, pp. 805-20. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-0335.2009.00789.x
‘Applying economics, using evidence’, Journal of Economic Methodology 16(2), pp. 139-44. ISSN 1350-178X print/ISSN 1469-9427 online. DOI: 10.1080/13501780902940711.
‘Friedman´s 1953 essay and the marginalist controversy’, in U. Mäki (ed.) The Methodology of Positive Economics: Reflections on the Milton Friedman Legacy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 217-40. ISBN 978-0-521-86701-6/ 978-0-521-68686-0 (paperback).
‘The definition of economics’ (with Steven G. Medema) Journal of Economic Perspectives 23(1), pp. 221-33. DOI:10.1257/jep.23.1.221.
‘Schumpeter on Marshall: a reconsideration’, in T. Nishizawa and Y. Shionoya (eds) Marshall and Schumpeter on Evolution: Economic Sociology of Capitalist Development . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 48-61. ISBN 978 1 84720 813 2.
‘Faith, morality and welfare: the “English school of welfare economics”, 1901-29’, History of Political Economy 40, Annual supplement (Keeping Faith, ed. B. W. Bateman and S. Banzhaf): 212-36. DOI: 10.1215/00182702-2007-067.
‘A. W. (Bob) Coats, 1924-2007’ (with B. Caldwell, C. D. W. Goodwin and M. Rutherford), History of Political Economy 40(3):421-446. DOI:10.1215/00182702-2008-015.
‘Hutchison, Terence Wilmot (1912–2007)’, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Eds. Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online, 09 September 2008, DOI:10.1057/9780230226203.1873.
‘The complexity of power: a review essay’, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 26-A:63-8.
‘Methodology of economics’, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Eds. S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume, London: Palgrave Macmillan, Volume 5:590-3. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online, Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1057/9780230226203.1093
‘Laissez-faire’ (with Steven G. Medema, University of Colorado, Denver) , The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Eds. S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume, London: Palgrave Macmillan, Volume 4:848-56. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online, Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1057/9780230226203.0925.
‘Economics, Definition of’ (with Steven G. Medema, University of Colorado, Denver) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Eds. S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume, London: Palgrave Macmillan, Volume 2:720-2. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online, Palgrave Macmillan. DOI:10.1057/9780230226203.0442.
‘Marginal revolution’, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Eds. S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume, London: Palgrave Macmillan, Volume 5:292-4. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online, Palgrave Macmillan. DOI-10.1057/9780230226203.1026
‘United States, economics in (1945 to present)’, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Eds. Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, London: Palgrave Macmillan, Volume 8:522-33. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online, Palgrave Macmillan. DOI-10.1057/9780230226203.1767
‘Keynes, John Maynard, Recent developments’ (with B. W. Bateman), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Eds. S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume, London: Palgrave Macmillan, Volume 4: 716-25. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online, Palgrave Macmillan. DOI-10.1057/9780230226203.0890.
‘Keynesianism’ (with B. W. Bateman) , The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Eds. S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume, London: Palgrave Macmillan, Volume 4: 731-4. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online, Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1057/9780230226203.0893.
‘The Barro-Grossman model’, for International Encyclopedia of Social Science. second edition, pp. 255-6.
‘Terence Hutchison’ (unsigned obituary) The Times, December 5, 2007.
‘Milton Friedman and the scope and method of economics’, History of Economic Ideas 15(2), pp. 11-21. ISSN 1724-2169.
‘Lives in synopsis: the production and use of short biographies by historians of economics’, History of Political Economy, 39 Supplement, Life Writing and the History of Economics, edited by E. R. Weintraub and E. Forget. ISSN 0018-2702. ISBN 978-0-8223-6683-6. DOI: 10.1215/00182702-2006-038.
‘A. W. (Bob) Coats, 1924-2007’ (with Mary S. Morgan) Royal Economic Society Newsletter. October.
‘Representation in economics: Introduction’ in M. Boumans (ed.) Measurement in Economics: A Handbook. Elsevier, pp. 135-52. ISBN 0-12-370489-8.
‘Hayek on money and the cycle’, in The Cambridge Companion to Hayek, edited by E. Feser, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 34-50. ISBN 0521849772.
‘The structure of higher education and the history of economic thought in the UK’, Cahiers d'économie politique, 50, pp. 215-20. ISSN 0154-8344.
‘Marshall on the definition of economics’, and ‘Trade policy’ in T. Raffaelli, G. Becattini and M. Dardi (eds) The Elgar Companion to Alfred Marshall, pp. 147-52 and 475-9. ISBN 1-84376-072-X,
‘Equilibrium and problem solving in economics’, in V. Mosini (ed.) Equilibrium in economics: Scope and Limits, London: Routledge, pp. 150-65. ISBN 0-415-39137-7..
‘John Maynard Keynes: artist, philosopher, economist’ (with B. W. Bateman), Atlantic Economic Journal .34(2), pp. 149-59. ISSN 0197-4254.
The Cambridge Companion to Keynes, edited with Bradley W. Bateman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-84090-3/60060-6.
Keynesian revolution’, in The
Cambridge Companion to Keynes,
edited by R. E. Backhouse and B. W. Bateman, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 19-38.
‘A cunning purchase’ (with Bradley W. Bateman), in The Cambridge Companion to Keynes, edited by R. E. Backhouse and B. W. Bateman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-18.
‘The social context of dissent: a response to Barnett and Samuels’, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 28(1), pp. 125-6.
‘Sidgwick, Marshall and the Cambridge school of economics’, History of Political Economy 38(1), pp. 15-44.
‘The historical context of Milton Friedman’s methodology of positive economics’, Storia del Pensiero Economico N.S. 3(1), pp. 77-92.
‘The poverty of theories of history: a comment on Barucci’, Storia del Pensiero Economico NS 2(2), pp. 97-9.
‘The rise of free-market economics since 1945’, in History of Political Economy 37 (supplement) Economists and the Role of Government, edited by Peter Boettke and Steven G. Medema, pp. 347-84. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
‘Economists in Parliament in Britain, 1848-1914’, in M.E.L. Guidi and M. Augello (eds) Economists in Parliament in the Liberal Era, 1848-1920, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 103-28.
‘Economics, History of’ in J. Berckert and M. Zafirovsky (eds) International Encyclopaedia of Economic Sociology, London: Routledge, pp. 204-210.
‘Economists, values and ideology: a neglected agenda’, Revue de philosophie économique 11, pp. 49-73.
‘Misunderstanding the history of the business cycle’, History of Political Economy 37(2), pp. 179-184.
‘Perspectives on Michael A. Bernstein’s A Perilous Progress: Economists and Public Purpose in Twentieth-Century America’ (with E.-M. Sent, A.W. B. Coats, J. B. Davis and H. Hagemann) European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 12(1), pp. 127-147.
‘What was lost with IS–LM’ (with David Laidler), History of Political Economy, 36 (Annual Supplement), The IS-LM Model: Its Rise, Fall, and Strange Persistence, edited by K.D Hoover and M. De Vroey, pp. 25-56.
‘Methodology of scientific research programmes’, in John B Davis, A. Marciano and J. Runde (eds) The Elgar Companion to Economics and Philosophy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 181-196.
‘Serving two masters: economic methodology between philosophy and practice’, in Peter Mooslechner, Helene Schuberth and Martin Schuerz (eds) Economic Policy-Making under Uncertainty: the Role of Truth and Accountability in Policy Advice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 180-190.
‘Review of Reflection without Rules: Economic Methodology and Contemporary Science Theory, by D. Wade Hands’, Economics and Philosophy 20(1), pp. 234-240.
‘History and equilibrium: a partial defence of equilibrium analysis’, Journal of Economic Methodology, 11(3), 2004, pp. 291-305.
‘T. S. Ashton’, ‘R. G. Hawtrey’, ‘J. Flemming’, ‘H. A. J. Green’, ‘D. Jack’, ‘A.H. John’, ‘G. Lloyd’, ‘J. E. Meade’, ‘M. Shanks’, ‘B. Ward’, ‘J. Vaizey’, in The Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, edited by Donald Rutherford, Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum.
‘A suggestion for clarifying the study of dissent in economics’, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 26(2), pp. 263-273.
‘History of economics, economics and economic history in Britain, 1824–2000’, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 11(1), pp. 107-127.
‘Concentric circles of limits to the rate of accumulation: an interpretation of Joan Robinson's theory of economic dynamics’, Review of Political Economy 15(4), pp. 457–66.
‘The stabilization of price theory, 1920–55’, in Blackwell Companion to the History of Economic Thought, edited by Jeff Biddle, John B. Davis, and Warren J. Samuels. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 308–24.
‘The Keynesian cross’, in Encyclopedia of Macroeconomics, edited by B. Snowdon and H. Vane, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002.
‘Say’s law’, in Encyclopedia of Macroeconomics, edited by B. Snowdon and H. Vane, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002.
‘The future of the history of economic thought in Britain’, in The Future of the History of Economic Thought, edited by E. R. Weintraub, Annual Supplement to History of Political Economy, 34, 2002, pp. 79–97.
‘Economic models and reality: the role of informal scientific methods’ in Fact and Fiction: Models, Realism and Social Construction, edited by Uskali Mäki. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 202–13.
‘The macroeconomics of Margaret Thatcher’, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 24(3), pp. 313–34.
‘On progress and the history of economic thought’, in S. Boehm, C. Gehrke, H. D. Kurz and R. Sturn (eds.) Is There Progress in Economics? Knowledge, Truth and the History of Economic Thought. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 117–22.
‘Don Patinkin: interpreter of the Keynesian revolution’, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 9(2), 2002, pp. 186–204.
‘Don Patinkin, Money, Interest and Prices’ [in French], in X. Greffe, J. Lallement and M De Vroey (eds) Dictionaire d’oeuvres economiques, pp. 433–40, Paris: Dalloz.
‘How do economic theorists use empirical evidence? Two case studies’, in S. C. Dow and J. Hillard (eds) Beyond Keynes, Volume 1: Post-Keynesian Econometrics, Microeconomics and the Theory of the Firm. Cheltenham and Lyme, VT: Edward Elgar, pp. 176–90.
‘Samuelson, Paul Anthony (1915–)’, in W. Lazonick (ed.) The IEBM Handbook of Economics, London: Thompson, 2002, pp. 740–5.
The Penguin History of Economics, London: Penguin Books. ISBN 0-14-026042-0. Pp. x+369. (Not available in North America)
The Ordinary Business of Life: A History of Economics from Ancient Times to the Twenty-First Century, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. (Available only in North America)
‘Mark Blaug as a historian of economic thought’, in S.G. Medema and W.J. Samuels (ed.) Historians of Economics and Economic Thought: The Construction of a Disciplinary Memory. London: Routledge, 2001, pp. 17–39.
‘How and why should we write the history of twentieth-century economics?’, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 23(2), 2001, pp. 243–52..
The English Historical School of Economics, (co-editor with P.J. Cain), Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2001, 6 volumes.
‘Introduction’ in The English Historical School of Economics, (edited by Roger E. Backhouse and Peter J. Cain), Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 2001, Volume I, pp. ix–xxiv.
‘On the credentials of methodological pluralism’ in Economics Broadly Considered: Essays in Honor of Warren J. Samuels, edited by John B. Davis, Jeff Biddle, and Steven G. Medema. London: Routledge, 2001, pp. 161–9.
‘Economic thought, History of’, in J. Michie (ed.) Reader’s Guide to the Social Sciences. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001, pp. 430–1. ISBN 1-57958-091-2.
‘Economics methodology’, in J. Michie (ed.) Reader’s Guide to the Social Sciences. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001, pp. 441–3. ISBN 1-57958-091-2.
of economics’ in J. Michie (ed.) Reader’s
Guide to the Social Sciences.
London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001, pp. 1425–6. ISBN 1-57958-091-2.
Toward a History of Applied Economics (co-editor with Jeff Biddle). Annual supplement to History of Political Economy, volume 32. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-8223-6485-9. Pp. viii+390.
Macroeconomics and the Real World, Volume 1: Econometric Techniques and Macroeconomics. (co-editor with Andrea Salanti) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN 0 19 829795 5 (hardback) 0 19 924204 6 (paperback). Pp. viii+301.
Macroeconomics and the Real World, Volume 2: Keynesian Economics, Unemployment and Policy. (co-editor with Andrea Salanti) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN 0 19 829 796 3 (hardback), 0 19 924205 4 (paperback). Pp. viii+304.
Exemplary Economists, Volume I: North America (co-editor with Roger Middleton). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2000. ISBN 1 85898 959 0. Pp. xxiii+452.
Exemplary Economists, Volume II: Europe, Asia and Australasia (co-editor with Roger Middleton). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2000. ISBN 1 85898 960 4. Pp. xxiii+441.
Early Histories of Economic Thought, 1824–1914. (editor) 10 volumes. London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 2000. ISBN 0 415 22489 6 (set of 10 volumes).
(with Jeff Biddle) ‘The concept of applied economics: a history of ambiguity and multiple meanings’, History of Applied Economics 32 (annual supplement), 2000. (Also published as The History of Applied Economics, edited by Roger E. Backhouse and Jeff Biddle, Durham NC: Duke University Press.)
‘Progress in heterodox economics’, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 22(2), 2000, pp. 149–55.
(with Mary S. Morgan) ‘Introduction: is data mining a methodological problem?’ Journal of Economic Methodology 7(2), 2000, pp. 171–81. July 2000.
‘Austrian economics and the mainstream: view from the boundary’, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 3(2), 2000, pp. 31–43.
‘Economics in mid-Atlantic’, in A. W. Bob Coats (ed.) The Development of Economics in Western Europe since 1945. London and New York: Routledge, 2000, pp. 20–41.
‘Introducing exemplary economists’ (with Roger Middleton), in Exemplary Economists, Volumes I and II, edited by Roger E. Backhouse and Roger Middleton. Edward Elgar, 2000, pp. ix–xxiii. (Appears in both volumes.)
From Classical Economics to the Theory of the Firm: Essays in Honour of D.P. O’Brien (co-editor with John Creedy). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1999. ISBN 1 84064 146 0. Pp. xiv+306.
Keynes: Contemporary Responses to the General Theory. Key Issues Series. Bristol and Sterling, VA: Thoemmes Press, 1999. ISBN 1 85506 610 6. Pp. x+257.
(with Andrea Salanti) ‘The methodology of macroeconomics’, Journal of Economic Methodology 6(2), 1999, pp. 159–69.
(with John Creedy) ‘Introduction: Denis O’Brien’s contributions to economics and the history of economic thought’, in R. E. Backhouse and J. Creedy (eds) From Classical Economics to the Theory of the Firm: Essays in Honour of D.P. O’Brien. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1999, pp. 1–13.
‘Modelling invention: the use of models in the neoclassical literature on R&D’ in R. E. Backhouse and J. Creedy (eds) From Classical Economics to the Theory of the Firm: Essays in Honour of D.P. O’Brien. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1999, pp. 281–99.
‘Introduction’ in R. E. Backhouse (ed.) Keynes: Contemporary Responses to the General Theory. Bristol and Sterling, VA: Thoemmes Press, 1999, pp. 1–17.
Explorations in Economic Methodology: From Lakatos to Empirical Philosophy of Science, London and New York: Routledge, 1998, pp. vii+246. ISBN 0415-17470-8.
‘The transformation of US economics, 1920–1960, viewed through a survey of journal articles’, History of Political Economy 30 (supplement), 1998, pp. 85–107. (Also published as From Interwar Pluralism to Postwar Neoclassicism, edited by Mary S. Morgan and Malcolm Rutherford, Durham NC: Duke University Press, 1998.)
‘If mathematics is informal, then perhaps we should accept that economics must be informal too’, Economic Journal 108, November 1998, pp. 1848–58.
‘Lakatos, Imre’, in Handbook of Economic Methodology, edited by J. Davis, D. W. Hands and U. Mäki. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1998, pp. 270–2.
‘Novel facts’, in Handbook of Economic Methodology, edited by J. Davis, D. W. Hands and U. Mäki. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1998, pp. 339–42.
‘Paradigms’, in Handbook of Economic Methodology, edited by J. Davis, D. W. Hands and U. Mäki. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1998, pp. 352–4.
in Handbook
of Economic Methodology,
edited by J. Davis, D. W. Hands and U. Mäki. Aldershot: Edward
Elgar, 1998, pp. 419–22.
Truth and Progress in Economic Knowledge. Cheltenham and Lyme, NH: Edward Elgar, 1997, pp. xi+232. ISBN 1-85278-691-4.
The Methodology of Economics: Nineteenth-Century British Writings. (editor) 7 volumes. London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1997.
Economics and Methodology: Crossing Boundaries (co-editor with Daniel M. Hausman, Uskali Mäki and Andrea Salanti). IEA Conference Series, No. 126. London: Macmillan in Association with the International Economic Association, 1997. ISBN 0-312-21099-X. Pp. xxi+466.
‘An "inexact" philosophy of economics?’, Economics and Philosophy 13(1), forthcoming, 1997, pp. 25–37.
‘The changing character of British economics’, History of Political Economy 28 (supplement), 1996, pp. 31–58. (Also published as The Post-1945 Internationalization of Economics, edited by A. W. Coats, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997.)
‘The rhetoric and methodology of modern macroeconomics’, in B. Snowdon and H. Vane (eds) Reflections on the Development of Modern Macroeconomics. Cheltenham and Lyme, NH: Edward Elgar, 1997, pp. 31–54.
‘Pluralism and economic science’, (review) Journal of Economic Methodology 4(2), 1997, pp. 315–20.
greatest economist? A review of The Works of Irving Fisher (14
volumes)’, History
of Economic Thought Newsletter 59,
Winter 1997, pp. 26–30.
‘Vision and progress in economic thought: Schumpeter after Kuhn’, in L. Moss (ed.) Joseph A. Schumpeter: Historian of Economics. London: Routledge, 1996, p. 21–32.
‘Economics is a historical process’, in S. Medema and W. J. Samuels (eds.) Exploring the Foundations of Research in Economics: How Should Economists do Economics? Cheltenham and Brookfield. VT: Edward Elgar, 1996, pp 7–17.
‘Hicks, John Richard’, in International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management. London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 1766–71.
‘Arrow, Kenneth J.’, in International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management. London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 244–8.
‘Solow, Robert M.’, in International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management. London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 4527–31.
‘Samuelson, Paul Anthony’, in International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management. London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 4375–80.
Interpreting Macroeconomics: Explorations in the History of Macroeconomic Thought. London: Routledge, 1995, pp. viii+241. ISBN 0-415-12709-2 (hardback) 0-415-15360-3 (paperback).
‘An empirical philosophy of economic theory’, (review article) British Journal of the Philosophy of Science 46, 1995, pp. 111–21.
‘Is there life in contemporary academic economics?’ (extended review) Journal of Economic Methodology, 2(1), 1995, pp. 135–63.
‘A decade of rhetoric’, (extended review) Journal of Economic Methodology, 2(2), 1995, pp. 293–311.
‘Should economists embrace postmodernism’, in S. Dow and J. Hillard (eds) Keynes, Knowledge and Uncertainty. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1995, pp. 357–66.
‘Sraffian economics and the capital controversy: comment’, in F. Moseley (ed) Heterodox Economic Theories: True or False. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1995, pp. 23–40.
‘Competition’, in A Social Science Encylopaedia, Second edition, edited by A. Kuyper and J. Kuyper. London: Routledge, 1995, pp. 117–8.
Economists and the Economy (Second edition). New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1993, pp. . Minor but significant changes, 3 of the 7 chapters being completely rewritten. ISBN 1-56000-715-X.
‘The fixation of economic beliefs’,Journal of Economic Methodology 1(1), 1994, pp. 33–42.
‘Why and how should we study the history of economic thought,’ History of Economic Ideas 2(2), 1994, pp. 115–23.
‘Pluralism in the Economic Journal’,History of Economic Ideas, 2(3), 1994, pp. 109–17.
‘Mathematics and the axiomatization of general equilibrium theory’, (review article) Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 12, 1994, pp. 113–23.
‘Hobson and Mummery’s The Physiology of Industry’, in J. A. Hobson after Fifty Years: Free Thinker of the Social Sciences, edited by J. Pheby. Basingstoke: Macmillan, New York: St Martin’s Press, 1994, pp. 78–99.
‘Introduction: new directions in economic methodology’, in R. Backhouse (ed) New Directions in Economic Methodology. London: Routledge, 1994, pp. 1–24.
‘The Lakatosian legacy in economic methodology’, in R. Backhouse (ed) New Directions in Economic Methodology. London: Routledge, 1994, pp. 173–91.
New Directions in Economic Methodology. London: Routledge,1994. ISBN 0-415-09636-7 (hardback) 0-415-09637-5 (paperback).
‘Gresham’s law’, McGraw Hill Encyclopaedia of Economics. New York: McGraw Hill, 1994, pp. 485–6.
Economics and Language (co-editor with Willie Henderson and Tony Dudley-Evans). London: Routledge, 1993. ISBN 0-415-08159-9 (hardback) 0-415-09209-4 (paperback).
J. A. Hobson: A Collection of Economic Works (co-editor with P. J. Cain). 6 volumes. London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1993. ISBN 0-415-08304-4.
‘Lakatosian perspectives on general equilibrium analysis’, Economics and Philosophy, 9(2), 1993, pp. 271–82.
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‘Rhetoric and methodology,’ Perspectives in the History of Economic Thought, volume 9, edited by R. F. Hébert. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1993, pp. 3–17.
‘The debate over Milton Friedman’s theoretical framework: an economist’s view’, Economics and Language, edited by Willie Henderson, Tony Dudley-Evans and Roger Backhouse. London: Routledge, 1993, pp. 103–31.
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‘Ocena metodologiczna economii keynesistowskiej [A methodological appraisal of Keynesian economics]’, in M. Belki and A. Wojtyny (eds) Wspólczesny Keynesizm: Studia I Materialy, 42, 1993. Warsaw: Poltext, pp. 93–110.
‘Introduction’, in A. F. Mummery and J. A. Hobson The Physiology of Industry. London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1993.
‘Introduction’, in J. A. Hobson The Problem of the Unemployed. London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1993.
‘Introduction’, in J. A. Hobson Writings on Distribution and Welfare. London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1993.
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‘History’s many dimensions: a reply to Weintraub,’Journal of the History of Economic Thought 14(2), 1992, pp. 277–84.
‘Why methodology matters. A reply to Weintraub,’Methodus 4(2), 1992, pp. 58–62.
‘Lakatos and economics’, in Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought, volume VIII, edited by Todd Lowry. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1992, pp. 19-34.
‘Should we ignore methodology?’ Royal Economic Society Newsletter, 78, July 1992, pp. 4-5.
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Last updated 08/09/2009