The aim of this research is to provide a detailed understanding of the complex linkages between the liberalisation of
trade and investment flows ('globalisation') and the environment. A wide range of issues will be addressed including;
- the impact of environmental regulations on global production patterns and industrial productivity
- the extent to which environmental regulations are endogenously determined by trade and FDI flows
- the factors which influence the environmental performance of firms and industries
- patterns in the consumption of pollution intensive products
- the impact of globalisation on the spatial distribution of pollution
- a range of political economy issues
Details of previous ESRC and Leverhulme Trust funding:
Project Title: Globalisation, Competitiveness and the Environment: A UK and EU Perspective
Duration of Project: September 2002 - April 2004
Amount awarded: £39,000
Researchers: Matthew Cole, Robert Elliott and Ken Shimamoto
Project Title: Globalisation and the Environment: Causes, Consequences and Policy
Duration of Project: June 2004 - June 2007
Amount awarded: £98,000
Researchers: Matthew Cole, Robert Elliott and Ken Shimamoto
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